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【学术报告】Advances in the Graph Model for Conflict Resolution

发布时间:2019-07-08    字体:[增加 减小]    打印网页   

报告题目:Advances in the Graph Model for Conflict Resolution

人:Prof. Liping Fang (Ryerson University 加拿大瑞尔森大学) 




  A groundwater contamination dispute arising in the town of Elmira, Ontario, Canada, is utilized to explain a rich range of capabilities of the Graph Model for Conflict Resolution (GMCR) and the associated decision support system (DSS) GMCR II. The Elmira case study is used to demonstrate the process of modeling and analysis within the GMCR paradigm in order to obtain strategic insights for supporting informed decision making. The modeling phase includes the identification of decision makers (DMs), options or courses of actions available to the DMs, and feasible scenarios or states which can occur, as well as the elicitation of each DM’s relative preferences over the feasible states. The analysis phase involves the determination of stability of each state for each DM and the equilibria for the conflict according to a variety of solution concepts, which reflect the ways humans may behave under conflict, and coalition analysis, which checks if a DM can fare even better by cooperating with others. Ongoing research to expand GMCR in the areas of modeling uncertain preferences, considering psychological factors, and handling hierarchical structures, is discussed.Three perspectives of further development in GMCR, forward investigation, inverse engineering, and behavioral analysis, are presented. 


  Prof. Liping Fang现任加拿大瑞尔森大学(Ryerson University)工程和建筑学院副院长,加拿大工程院院士,电气和电子工程师协会会士,加拿大工程研究院院士,加拿大机械工程学会会士,加拿大安大略省注册工程师等,担任五种国际杂志编委,包括电气和电子工程师协会系统、人和控制论会刊—系统卷(IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems)。 

  Prof. Liping Fang长期从事管理工程、工业工程及系统工程等领域的研究,研究获得政府部门和私人企业的资助。出版学术专著2本,编辑专业书籍2本,在国际知学术期刊和学术会议论文集发表论文150多篇。2012年和2015年获得电气和电子工程师协会“系统、人和控制论学会杰出贡献奖”,2015年获得电气和电子工程师协会“系统、人和控制论学会会刊最佳编委奖”,2014年获得瑞尔森大学“杰出学术领导奖”,2012年获得运筹学暨管理科学学会能源、自然资源和环境分会“环境和可持续发展最佳论文奖”。